NOTED – Novel Techniques for Traceable Temperature Dissemination (EMRP/SIB10)
METEFNET – Metrology for Moisture in Materials (EMRP/SIB64)
2013 -2016
METEOMET2 – Metrology for Essential Climate Variables (EMRP/ENV58 )
HIT – Metrology for humidity at high temperatures and transient conditions (EMPIR/14IND11), 2015-2018
EuraThermal –Developing traceable capabilities in thermal metrology (EMPIR/ 14RPT05), 2015 -2018
EARS2 – Metrology for modern hearing assessment and protecting public health from emerging noise sources (EMPIR/ 15HLT03), 2016-2019 – Final report
EMPRESS2 – Enhancing process efficiency through improved temperature measurement 2, 2018-2021
HUMEA – Expansion of European research capabilities in humidity measurement (EMPIR / 15RPT03), 2016-2019
adOSIGG – Developing an infrastructure for improved and harmonised metrological checks of blood-pressure measurements in Europe (EMPIR 18RPT02), 2019 – 2022
RealK – Realising the redefined kelvin (EMPIR 18SIB02), 2019 – 2022
Vse o tekočih EURAMET projektih si lahko preberete tukaj.
xRAT – Merjenje psihofizioloških parametrov kot vhodnih podatkov računalniškega adaptivnega testiranja (ARRS J2-5495) 2013-2016
Pojasnjevanje učinkovitosti reševanja problemov s področja trojne narave predstavitev naravoslovnih pojmov (ARRS J5-6814) 2014-2017
Visokoločljiva optična magnetometrija s hladnimi cezijevimi atomi (ARRS J2-8191) 2017-2020
Senzorske tehnologije pri kontroli posegov v objekte kulturne dediščine (ARRS J2-8194) 2017-2020
Nova generacija industrijskih šumnih termometrov (ARRS J2-1721) 2019-2022